Jeremy and I have been up to the same ol' same ol' around here. Last week was sort of crazy because the students had their big tests: the TOSEL (English profiency) and the DT (Diagnostics Test). We took over two of the homeroom teachers' classrooms for two days, and watched the students take tests. It was sort of relaxing because we didn't have to teach, or talk for that matter. It gave us time to grade the tests and work on the diaries and book reports. This is week is the beginning of the second half of the semester. Technically it doesn't start until Dec. 1, which is sort of dumb, but that's what the boss decided. Therefore, many of the students didn't buy their new books for homework and didn't do the homework. Great way to start the new second half. Oh well. We are also starting some new things with our classes as well. We are hoping that it will be better. The school took away the student workbook, so the students have less homework, but no opportunity to learn and practice vocabulary. So, this week feels like the beginning of the new school year where we have to teach, explain, and train the students to do new things. Kind of crazy, but hopefully in a short while it will be worth it.
We just found out that we have insurance, but we receive no insurance cards. So instead of showing proof of insurance to only pay up to 10,000 won, we now have to pay for the entire bill and the school will reimburse us. That's good and bad because it's lots of money up front out of pocket, but we will be reimbursed for all of it later. Sometimes I think this school is a little sketchy the way it does things. It took the school literally a week to get our washer/dryer fixed. Do you know how fast you can run out of clothes when you can't wash for a week?! It was madening, hahaha :) Oh well, that's what you get in a different country. :)
Last weekend we went to the aquarium, then ventured out in the district and found a temple. We have pictures of it all, and there is lots to tell. There will be another post about that experience, along with this last weekend. Hopefully we will be able to get you all up to date in our journey. :D Sorry to keep you all in the dark for the past few weeks. Starting Wednesday Dec. 1, we will no longer have 6th graders which opens up about 2 extra hours at the end of our work day. We are hoping to be able to keep on top of diaries, book reports, and our blog. So, until next time....
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